Rebuild Recruiting Followup Email Templates

Series of three reminder emails to use in the final weeks leading up to your application deadline.

How to use:

We recommend sending these emails out over 1 to 2 weeks prior to the closing of your Rebuild applications to nurture your contacts to apply. You may vary the timing that works best for your audience. An example might be sending Email 1 out 7-10 days before applications close, Email 2 out 3-5 days before applications close, and Email 3 out 1 day before applications close. 

Make sure to replace everything inside brackets [ ] with your own links or organization information.

Email 1: (7-10 days prior to application close)

Subject: Are you tired of going it alone?

Hey [name],

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the logistics of reopening your business in the middle of so much uncertainty? Are you concerned about the future of your business?

If so, we’d like to invite you to join us for Rebuild, a live-facilitated, 10-session program that starts on [DATE].


[Apply Now Button]

  • Learn what you need to do now to stay relevant to your customers.
  • Uncover new opportunities for your business.
  • Build authentic marketing messages.
  • Get guidance and accountability from a certified facilitator.
  • Find support in a group of peer business owners.
  • Know the right next steps to save your business.

[Register now.]

We know you’re tired of hearing about these challenging times. But we also want you to know that you’re not alone. Other business owners just like you are trying to figure out how to shift their operations while things keep changing daily.

Here’s what a participant in one of the first Rebuild cohorts had to say:

“I especially appreciated our facilitator challenging and encouraging us to understand how the customer, the problem, and the solution describe our current business strategies. As a result, I must do some revamping. This has challenged me to look at my business with newly trained eyes.” –Rebuild Participant and Small Business Owner in the Professional Services Industry

If you’re ready to break through the overwhelm and prepare your business for whatever comes your way, we want to help. [Click here to apply now.] Scholarships and flexible payment options are available.

You can do this,

The [Org/Host Name] Team

P.S. Applications close [DATE]. [Apply today] and future-proof your business.


Email 2: (3-5 days prior to application close)

Subject: Don’t apply just yet…

Hey [name],

Applications for Rebuild are closing soon. This 10-session program is designed to help you take the right steps for your business to survive and thrive in this pandemic.

Right now you might be thinking:

Ten sessions? Are you serious? I’m drowning over here trying to save my business and you think I can handle doing something more?

You’re a solopreneur or an owner/operator with a small team and you have zero time for anything else between keeping your business afloat, taking care of your family, and hopefully sleeping occasionally. Ten 2.5 hour sessions is a big ask. Rebuild is designed to save you time in the long run. How? Because you will walk through, step by step, what to focus on in what order to keep your business going. No more spinning your wheels or getting so overwhelmed doing everything at once that you feel like nothing moves forward.

Okay, this sounds great, but the bottom line is, I can’t really afford it right now.

We get it. Right now you have to be extra careful with every penny you spend. That’s why we’ve discounted our course as much as we possibly can. We’re banking on this being an investment in a stronger, focused business that will not only help you survive the downturn, but help you come out even better in the long run. What if just $30 a week could save your business?

Still, we recognize times are especially tough. We’ve made hard choices recently, too, and we totally understand. That’s why we’re also offering flexible payment options, plus working to provide full and partial scholarships for business owners who qualify. 

I’m already doing everything in my business. I don’t need any more help. 

As a small business owner you wear every hat from CEO to intern. And you’re doing a great job. This isn’t just a how-to program, this is a program for how to do an uncertain future. Back to business won’t mean business as usual for a long time. Rebuild can help you navigate and prepare for whatever comes next. 

I don’t want to talk about my business struggles with a bunch of people. It’s a bad look.

Entrepreneurship from the outside seems glamorous and fun, but the truth is it’s hard. It’s especially hard right now. Every other person in the program with you will be going through similar challenges. It’s not a failure to admit things are tough. The amazing thing is, when you share your struggles with each other, you all find the support and motivation you need to keep going. We firmly believe the community you form with other entrepreneurs is the most valuable part of the program.

Our programs are a safe place to be real. You can set group ground rules, like anything you say in the program stays in the program. So you can feel comfortable opening up a little bit. 

Yes, keep doing what you’re doing. But imagine how much further you can go with guidance and support especially designed for times like these, and people like you.

Ready to apply? [Do it here.]

Here’s to the bright future of your business,

The [Org/Host Name] Team

P.S. Still concerned about the investment? Apply for a scholarship here. We believe in small business, and we don’t want you to miss out because times are tough right now. 


Email 3: (1 day prior to application close)

Subject: What it’s all about.
Preview text: Last day to apply!

So what do you get when you join 10 sessions of Rebuild? Action and accountability.

Think of Rebuild as two phases. Phase 1 is Shift. Figure out what you need to do to adjust or pivot your business and how you’re going to do it. Phase 2 is Go. Get the support you need to keep going.

[Apply Now Button]

Rebuild // Shift: Phase 1
Sessions 1-5 of Rebuild help you when all you feel is “I’m stuck.”

What do you need to do to change or pivot your business in order to stay relevant to your customers during the pandemic?

In these sessions, you will cover:

  • How your customer has changed.
  • What new opportunities exist for your business.
  • Your new distribution strategies.
  • Rethinking your pricing strategy and bottom line.
  • Your new marketing messages.

Rebuild // Go: Phase 2
Sessions 6-10 of Rebuild help you figure out the “How do I move forward?” question. 

What are the nuts and bolts of your pivot?

In these sessions, you will cover:

  • The legal factors, cost structure, break-even analysis, and cash flow for your business changes.
  • Where you need to reassess to move forward responsibly.
  • Goal setting and accountability for your next steps.

Ready to do this? [Apply now.]

Keep going,

The [Org/Host Name] Team